Twitch viewers donates 101 dollars for empty beer can from streamer

One of the many ways to support your favorite Twitch Streamer is the normal five-dollar subscription. But viewers can also send any amount of money directly to the streamer. Sometimes it runs a little out of the rudder, as Twitch Streamer's Stormfall33 had to learn recently.

To the surprise of Stormfall33 she not only received a great donation of one of her spectators, but also a very special request. An item used by her should serve as a swap for the 100-dollar donation.

$ 101 Dollar for... a blank can?!

During a stream on April 10, 2022, Stormfall33 was surprised as she received a donation of 101 dollars and the donor asked if she could send him the empty beer can, which was beside her. "Dose delivery overnight, my queen?"

Twitch streamer gets $100 for empty beer can

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The Twitch Streamer was stunned and sat there for a few seconds with open mouth until she exploited: "Is that serious? Do you really want me to send you this can?" Luckily, the viewer, who had donated the money, sat in her chat and could directly reply: "Do not break the tin. I mean it's serious, I have an idea."

And people are surprised, Why Streamer-Fieze goes away in glasses like Warm Semmel . Stormfall33, of course, agreed to this exchange business and had an approximate idea what the donor is with the tin. Who wants to know what is meant, hears in the clip. Maybe the Twitch Streamer soon drinks a little more in the Livestream, it could be worthwhile.

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