Let's make your own beer, the beer brewing simulation 'Brumaster'

Bro master, a new brewery simulator, was released on Steam on the 29th.

The player can be the owner of the brewery and can make various handmade beers. You can make multiple beers such as wheat beer, black beer, and IPA by combining various materials such as malt, hop, and yeast. The process of brewing in the game and the process of fermentation of beer is based on reality, but it is possible to experience beer production without professional knowledge of brewing.

This beer can be exhibited at beer festival with your own label and name. If you win the festival and build your reputation, you can deliver beer to the local brewery, and you can upgrade the brewery equipment or get a new recipe. It also supports sandbox modes that can be enjoyed with a more relaxed mind.


The crew said on the official Steam page, 'Brewery has been long enough to start 10,000 BC. Let's learn the glorious ancient technologies and polish your skills to showcase creativity. '

Remaster can be purchased for 16,650 won, which is 10% discount by the 7th to commemorate the official launch of Steam. Korean is not officially supported and supports eight languages, including English, French, and Chinese Simplifies/Traditional.
