The 7 Best Ikelos Weapons in the game

Kilos Weapons are an integral part of the Destiny 2 game. Every player wants to be on top of their competition and find the best Kilos weapon for their battle-ready loadout. In this post, we highlight 7 of the best Kilos weapons in the game and provide information such as rarity level and power rating to help you make your decision.

The Kilos weapons from the previous seasons are again Destiny 2 season of the seraphs, which implies that we now have the opportunity to get Kilos HC V1.0.3 for God Roll. All Kilos weapons, including Kilos SG V1.0.3, have patterns that can be opened, which suggests that the best Kilos HC V1.0.3 God roll in Destiny 2 is possible.

Kilos HC V1.0.3 is an energy void hand cannon with a precision frame. This means that it has a foreseeable vertical recoil pattern and rapidly fires with high precision. Similar to his Kilos siblings, Kilos HC V1.0.3 just has Rasputin's arsenal as a basic origin home, which the weapon partially loads when the sign of a target is broken. Here are the standard data for Kilos HC V1.0.3 in Fate 2: Influence: 78 Location: 32 Stability: 55 Handling: 33 Aid speed: 33 Journal: 12

Kilos HC V1.0.3 EVE Go troll in Destiny 2

Kilos GC V1.0.3 strikes extremely hard, however the range, managing and the re-loading speed need some love.


For the barrel, corkscrew rifle, the stability, handling and range will easily enhance. Because it significantly increases the load-loading speed and stability, exhibited Maxwell is a great option. However, Seraph rounds are likewise a fantastic selection of magazines, given that it increases the variety and stability slightly, however adds penetrating, rebounding and twitching balls. When the accuracy steels quickly, fast hits is the needed benefit that increases the stability and load-load speed. Every is an excellent choice if you want even more boosts for load-load speed, handling and damage, as this advantage gives this if you are in battle for a while. Golden Triton is likewise another good alternative in the second Benefit column, as deaths grant reward damage with this weapon. In addition, Space grenades and driven melee kills increase the damage by 50 for 10 seconds. This hand Cannon EVE God Roll could even challenge the Rose God roll.

Kilos HC V1.0.3 PVP Go troll in Destiny 2

The best attachments for the Kilos HC V1.0.3 PVP God roll are little hole and seraph rounds. The re-loading speed and the handling stay average, variety and stability in the PVP are extremely essential, and the permeating, rebounding and twitching balls of Seraph Rounds are a must. Like the Kilos HC V1.0.3 EVE God roll, faster hits is the best benefit in the first column, since accuracy strips with hand cannons are simpler, and you require the extra increase in stability and load speed. Select Golden Triton as a second benefit, because it grants bonus damage in weapon killings and additional increases the damage to Void grenades and charged melee killings. Which's the Kilos HC V1.0.3 God roll for PVP and EVE. Now that you have such a cool-looking weapon, you need to get the best seasonal weaponizes accessories. Fate 2 is now offered for PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One and Xbox Series X | s. - This article was updated on December 10, 2022
